Catalogue components indBox
Modular workpiece carrier system
IBXMC800 – chassis
Chassis or frame holder for trays
425 x 275 x 140 mm
Stainless steel
Custom sizes, materials, shapes available
Baskets for metallic part cleaning
450 x 300 x 180 mm
Stainless steel – mesh dim.: 8 and 12 mm
Custom sizes, mesh, materials available
Basket for metallic part cleaning
Stainless steel – mesh dim.: 8 and 12 mm
Custom sizes, shape, mesh, materials available
Lids for industrial cleaning baskets
Stainless steel – mesh dim.: 8 and 12 mm
For tilt and 360° rotation movements.
Stainless steel.
tray and dividers example of use
tray and dividers example of use
tray and dividers example of use
IBX35A00 – divider
Divider short side
Dim.: 254 x 34 mm
Colour: green.
IBX36A00 – divider
Divider long side
Dim.: 404 x 34 mm
Colour: green.